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What We Are Reading

By Our Equities Team
Published September 21, 2023

As seasoned investors, we are committed to continuous learning while understanding the significance of sharing information. That's why we make it a point to explore new perspectives through literature as well as revisit timeless wisdom found in old favourites. Below are some of the hand-picked readings our investment professionals tended to over the summer, which enriched the understanding of investment strategies and beyond. 

Brian Madden, Chief Investment Officer - Antifragile: Things that Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb 

... extends Taleb's critique of risk management from "The Black Swan" (titled because it was once thought that black swans did not exist since experts had never seen one). It introduces 'antifragile,' describing entities that thrive after shocks. A modern day example of this would be the restaurant industry's resilience during COVID-19. I loved this read as its concepts extend into numerous realms of daily life, far beyond the worlds of business and finance.


Ian Chong, Portfolio Manager - Margin of Safety by Seth A. Klarman 

… has been pivotal in shaping my investment approach. It emphasizes a risk-averse, value-driven philosophy, urging investors to seek a 'margin of safety' by buying stocks below their intrinsic value. This timeless wisdom promotes capital preservation and long-term returns, which are particularly vital in today's markets.


Brandon Thimer, Equity Analyst - In An Uncertain World by Robert Rubin 

… is a valuable read. As the former Secretary of Treasury and a Co-Senior Partner at Goldman Sachs, Rubin's influence on a collection of successful investors is notable. His decision-making approach emphasizes probabilistic thinking due to often having to deal with high levels of uncertainty. He prioritizes risk mitigation and uses expected value to assess decisions in investing and public policy, setting a pragmatic example.

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